PSRB board chairman Mr. Donald Ndagula listened attentively to information from a member of the Board former senior police commander Jamal Rwambow about ongoing research on the state of incentives in the Public Service Head of Planning Unit, Mr. Mussa Magunguli giving information to the Acting Executive Secretary on the budget preparation during the council staff. Acting Executive Secretary of the Board, Mrs. Mariam Mwanilwa giving details about the functions of the Board to the Minister of PO-PSM Capt. (Retired) Hon. George H. Mkuchika (MP). Chairman of the Board, Mr. Donald S.B. Ndagula giving instructions to the Secretariat of the Board about the Job Evaluation exercise. Minister of State in the President's Office - Public Service Management and Good Governance, Capt. (Retired) Hon. George H. Mkuchika (MP) he received information about the functions of the Board from the Chairman in the auditorium of the Board.


Public Service Remuneration Board has been established in accordance with Article 36 (1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977 (Cap. 2 R.E.2002) and created by the Act of the President published in the government Gazette, Notice No.162 dated June 3, 2011. Responsibilities of the Board is to review salaries regularly and recommend salaries and other benefits and advise the President on the basis of salary structures in the public service.

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